The content creator’s Melbourne home is brimming with warm vibrant hues.

| By Antonia Day | Home tours

Maxine Wylde’s Melbourne Apartment Is a Masterclass in Curated Maximalism

The content creator’s Melbourne home is brimming with warm vibrant hues.

Welcome to The Makers. Each week, we celebrate innovators, artisans, and crafters of all types by taking you on a private tour of their creative spaces. For this instalment, we tour content creator Maxine Wylde's colourful maximalist home in Melbourne.

You only need to take a look at Maxine Wylde’s Instagram account to know she’s a colour enthusiast. From bright purple puffer pants (courtesy of Miu Miu), neon green pumps, and a kaleidoscopic collection of designer handbags, the Melbourne-based content creator is serious about fashion, and the plethora of colours she gets to experiment with when styling it.

Maxine has spent her whole life dabbling in creative arts through various outlets, first painting at a young age, then making music in her 20s, she has experienced an array of artistic mediums which have influenced who she is today. When it was time for her to think about what field she wanted to pursue a career in, choosing to study interior design seemed like a no-brainer. While studying, she began fashion content creation on the side, using it as another creative outlet where she could freely express her creative desires, “the art of making has always formed a huge part of my personality and the way I express my emotions at any given time,” she shares with Bed Threads Journal. This creative side hustle eventually led to the line of work she excels in now – creating beautiful content for luxury fashion brands like Bottega Veneta, Camilla and Marc, Maison Valentino, and Prada – just to name a few.

Being a creative at heart, Maxine relies heavily on colour to depict stories and evoke emotion through the content she creates. The art of Colour Theory is something that influences her work heavily, “colour theory is so fun and helpful for when you really want a coloured piece to fit harmoniously within an outfit,” she says, which you can immediately see by looking at her Instagram.

Her passion for colour and styling extends into her home, where her extravagant garments and statement pieces are put on display, reflecting who she is and what drives her creatively.

Our homes and how they are styled are said to be extensions of our personalities, and that sentiment couldn’t be more true for Maxine’s maximalist apartment in Melbourne. “I am a maximalist at heart, so I couldn't pick just one aesthetic. I kind of just chose pieces that I loved and have tied them all together with art and warm timbers!” Maxine shares. Bold colours are thoughtfully strewn throughout her home via feature walls, furniture, paintings, playful décor, and curios, creating a maximalist museum of sorts which perfectly reflects her personality and line of work.

When stepping into any room of her apartment, a statement is made. Whether it’s the rubescent bedroom which proudly displays her bedding set of Cacao and Lavender or her dining room which houses one of her favourite pieces in the home: a cobalt blue dining table, custom made by a furniture maker in Melbourne who goes by the name of @chair_boi, the one of a kind piece was designed by Maxine herself. It’s evident when walking through Maxine’s vibrant home that she has a background in interior design. A Studio Mignone coffee table takes centre stage in her living room on top of a plush burgundy rug and adjacent to a powder pink couch.

We were lucky enough to step inside Maxine’s kaleidoscopic home and chat with her about what inspires her creative work, and how she applies her knowledge from interior design into content creation.

Shop Maxine’s Edit.

Hi Maxine! This series is called The Makers. What is it that you make?

I make colourful fashion content in my apartment and shoot street style fashion in Melbourne!

How does the act of “making” relate to your personality and who you are?

I think it is just a large part of who I am in general. My whole life I have dabbled in the creative arts, whether that was making music as a young child into my teens, or painting in my early 20s. The art of making has always formed a huge part of my personality and the way I express my emotions at any given time.

Tell us about your career journey to date. Did you always know you wanted to pursue this line of work?

Not at all!! I was studying interior design and was looking for a job in the field when this sort of fell into place! I was creating content on the side for a bit of fun and for a creative outlet when it all kind of fell into place and eventuated into full time work!

Talk us through your creative process. Where do you start?

My creative process is quite chaotic and sporadic, most of the times my favourite pieces of work are the ones I have not planned at all, and I find I work better being more spontaneous. I try to find inspiration first, then figure out how i want to execute it. The inspiration behind my outfits aren't necessarily what pieces I'll wear, it is more what colour blocks I want to pair together to create an overall aesthetic.

What’s been the single most crucial tool or strategy you’ve used to further your career?

Take every opportunity that comes your way and put in the work, consistently, even when you feel like things aren't going your way.

What’s been the best thing that’s happened to you since you started your career?

There have been so many amazing things, I honestly couldn't pick one, I still pinch myself every day that some of these things are actually my reality. BUT! I did get flown to Tokyo with an amazing brand at the start of the year so that was definitely a career highlight!

Do you have a single piece of advice you’d give to your younger self or someone looking to pursue a similar line of work?

STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF!!!! You are capable and have everything you need, you have a unique perspective that you need to share with the world. Stop looking around you and just look forward.

Why is it important to take Colour Theory into account when putting together a look?

I think wearing colour should always be a personal preference, wear what you feel! But colour theory is so fun and helpful for when you really want a coloured piece to fit harmoniously within an outfit. Colour theory helps people be less afraid of colour and understand the “why” certain colours work so well together.

"My creative process is quite chaotic and sporadic, most of the times my favourite pieces of work are the ones I have not planned at all."

- Maxine Wylde

You studied interior design, what do you think are the crossovers between this and fashion are?

I love playing with colour and texture and I think that is definitely the crossover. In all of my assignments and designs throughout uni, texture and colour palettes were always my focus. Creating moods with those two things was my favourite part of the course so I definitely think it has translated over to my personal style!

In what ways has your personal style evolved over the years?

It has evolved sooo much, and will continue to evolve for sure. One thing I have always been, through the punk phase, grunge phase, minimal phase and colourful phase, is a maximalist! I don't do half/half, I put 100% into anything I do so I think that's one thing that will stay the same over time.

Now, the home stuff. How long have you lived in your home?

I have lived in my apartment for a year and half now!

How did you initially know this was the space for you?

I loved the open plan living and the light that fills the room all day!

Do you have any special décor pieces you’re looking to add?

I love collecting art, so definitely more art! I want to have a beautiful big gallery wall in my home one day!

Which is your favourite room in the house?

The wardrobe – duh!

What are your top tips for a well-styled bedroom, and home generally?

Choose a few pieces you love, then tie them together with more muted tones. Don't be afraid to play with colour, texture and pattern either!

Do you have any projects coming up you want to talk about?

Nothing right now, but hopefully something exciting very soon! For now I'll just be here creating fun outfits and sharing them with the internet!

For more from Maxine follow her @__mmaxinewylde

Photography by Amelia Stanwix. Styling by Beck Simon.

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