There's no excuse for not incorporating these super simple self-care rituals.

| By Bed Threads | Journal

12 Rejuvenating Self-Care Rituals to Commit to if You Have No Time

There's no excuse for not incorporating these super simple self-care rituals.

It can be hard to put ourselves first, especially when commitments such as work and keeping up with family and friends often take priority. If you ever find yourself longing for more ‘me time’ or simply need help unwinding in times of overstimulation, look to these easy self-care rituals.

They're all quick, require little to no equipment, and you don’t need to spend any money on them either. So, if you’re short on time, and long overdue for some TLC, try implementing one or all of these rituals into your weekly (or daily) routine.

1. Sleep

If you hadn't noticed, we're big on sleep here. Sleep, or lack thereof, can play a huge part in your overall well-being. While it's easier said than done, being strict with your eight hours a night is key for your mental and physical health.

2. Hydrate

Drinking water is something we all know is necessary, but it's one of the easiest things to skip when you get busy and work takes priority. Each of us should be drinking at least two litres each day, so bring a reusable drink bottle with you everywhere you go as a reminder to fill up.

3. Move

Just because it's not an intense cardio session at the gym, your body will still appreciate you getting out from behind the desk occasionally. Something as simple as getting up to refill your drink bottle every other hour helps to get your body moving. Really can't leave your office? Walk around your desk while you take your calls.

4. Breathe

Breathing is something we all do without any real thought. However, mindful breathing (even for five minutes) is the easiest way to combat feelings of stress and clear your mind. It can be done before you head out the door in the morning, before bed, and any other time you need to centre yourself.

5. Feel

Life moves at such a fast pace we often forget to reflect on the moments, days and weeks that go by. You encounter many people, feelings and situations on any given day, and it's vital you check in with yourself regularly. Without reflection, negative patterns can become second nature and manifest into future issues. Using a journal at night is a good way to clearly see how you're tracking.

6. Set a goal

It might sound like more work, but self-care isn't all about pampering. Sometimes, it's about keeping yourself motivated and accountable. When you have a goal to achieve, no matter how small, you're more willing to put one foot in front of the other to achieve it.

7. Celebrate

So you've set a goal and smashed it out of the park this month (go you!). Take a moment to celebrate the effort you've put in, even if it's just a glass of wine with dinner or a Sunday sleep-in. It's important to let yourself feel proud before moving on to the next thing.

8. Get some sun (but make sure you wear SPF)

In an ideal world, we'd all have time to get out of the office during the day for a long lunch in the park. If you do happen to have flexibility when it comes to where you work, try setting up outdoors for the day for a change of scenery. For anyone indoors most of the day, it's vital you take ten minutes to soak up some rays, even if that's walking down the street for a coffee and back again.

9. Take a nap

Whether you're a fan of an afternoon nap or not, sometimes your body and mind just simply need a rest. When the urge arises, you should listen to your sleepy urges and be thankful for some quiet time alone. It's not selfish, it's self-care.

10. Say "no"

It can be easy to automatically respond to someone's request with a "yes". In an attempt to go with the flow and remain polite, we can get into a habit of overworking ourselves. Whether it's a party invitation or an extra shift at work, it's always okay to decline if it's going to impact your well-being.

11. Ask for help

Difficult situations arise in life constantly, and how we react to them can mean the difference between a catastrophe and a small speed bump. By seeking out the expertise of friends, family and colleagues, a burden becomes much lighter to bear.

12. Self-date

Self-care isn't about splurging on lavish things to make us feel better. It's much more about the daily necessities to keep us thriving. That being said, you deserve pampering every now and then. Take yourself on a self-date to the movies, spa or for some retail therapy and bask in your own company.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for individualised health advice. If you are concerned about your health and well-being, please speak to your GP, who will advise on the correct treatment plan. You can also call Lifeline 24/7 for mental health support on 13 11 14.

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