If you’re a little bit woo-woo, don’t have a clue, or keen to learn something new, keep reading to find out how you can celebrate the upcoming solstice.

| By Antonia Day | Journal

The Solstice Is Here! How to Celebrate the Longest Day of the Year

If you’re a little bit woo-woo, don’t have a clue, or keen to learn something new, keep reading to find out how you can celebrate the upcoming solstice.

For the past 6000 years, people all over the world have celebrated the solstice. Celebrations involved setting whole trees on fire and letting them burn for a day, decorating bushes with candles and ornaments to thank the earth for the life it gives, and gathering healing herbs that grew in abundance.

Nowadays, you'd probably struggle to find a group of people gathered around a burning tree chanting, and if you did happen to stumble upon an event like that, your first instinct might be to call the police (or stream it to your Insta-stories, depending on your personal proclivity).

While we don't condone setting giant trees on fire, we thought we'd suggest some modern ways to celebrate this ancient tradition.

When it comes to the solstice, people’s interest and engagement levels fall on a scale. At one end we have the “woo-woo-ers”, who might spend each full moon charging their crystals, and mark the solstice in their calendar as an opportunity to celebrate and set intentions. At the other end, are the people who don’t have a clue any of this is going on. They might complain of getting a rough night’s sleep the evening before the full moon but wouldn’t dare blame it on that, and roll their eyes when they see a monthly horoscope article. And then there are the people in the middle – they know what’s going on, they are keen to know more, but don’t go out of their way to seek information.

No matter where you land on the solstice scale, we’ve got an array of ideas for you to say hello to the new season. So if you’re a little bit woo-woo, don’t have a clue, or keen to learn something new – keep reading to find out how you can celebrate this solstice.

Summer Solstice Rituals

Solstice celebration level: woo-woo

Decorate your alter

Summer is finally here and nature is bringing us an abundance of fresh flowers and produce. Decorate your altar to honour Mother Earth and the abundance of life she creates.

Gather herbs

Forage your backyard or local community garden for seasonal herbs that thrive at this time of year. In ancient times, people gathered herbs with healing properties such as: St. John’s Wort, Vervain, Yarrow, Fern, and Mugwort.

Set your intentions

The summer solstice is indicative of new beginnings, making it the perfect time to set intentions for the warmer months ahead. This time of year is about growth and light, so choose intentions that mirror that positivity.

Solstice celebration level: hesitant, but intrigued

Watch the sun rise and set

Pay your respects to the sun by watching it rise and set on the longest day of the year. The sun is the giver of energy and life to everything on earth, and this ritual is the perfect way to recognise its significance as we enter summer.

Invite friends and family over

Host a picnic in your backyard or in a park with your family and friends, and make the most of what the longest day of the year has to offer.

Solstice celebration level: solstice sceptic


Nothing says hello to summer quite like spending some time out in the sun. You don’t need to be at a woo-woo level to embrace the warmth and beauty of the radiant sun.

Spend time in nature

Spending time outside connecting with nature is one of the most powerful and grounding things you can do during a summer solstice. You don’t have to travel far, time spent in the backyard, or a walk down to your local park is a simple way to welcome the warmer months.

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