Say hello to a new year and the changes that lie ahead.

| By Meghan Rose | Entertainment

January Horoscope: Here's What the Start of 2024 Holds for You

Say hello to a new year and the changes that lie ahead.

Welcome to a wonderful new year and the celestially packed month of January! This month we will have many opportunities to align with the ever-changing astrological energy and set ourselves up for success. We enter January still amid Capricorn season, which calls us to take action on our goals and organise our lives. This is the best time to bring calm and aesthetic pieces into your home that will help you build that solid foundation needed to thrive! It’s also a great month to set the tone for how you want the rest of your new year to feel!

On the very first day of the month, Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) stations directly in fiery, bold Sagittarius. This transit will encourage you to speak up and share your truth. You will notice that finding (and expressing) your own unique style is much easier during this time. Just a few days later, action planet Mars enters into earthy and meticulous Capricorn, asking us to get our finances in check and invest in life-long pieces, people, and opportunities.

On the 11th, we have a New Moon in Capricorn. New Moons offer an incredible opportunity to plant seeds of intention that can fruit over time. This New Moon specifically is the first of the New Year, granting us the opportunity to create an ambitious plan for 2024. Shoot for the stars, the universe is supporting you in achieving all that you desire under this lunation! Just two days later, Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) also enters Capricorn, upping the ante and asking us all to make power moves that allow us to align with our best selves! Remember, making the right choice solely depends on what’s right for you.

The month continues as the sun enters eccentric and aloof Aquarius on January 20th, allowing us to think outside of the box and find solutions that work for all, not some. On that same day, we have a once-in-a-lifetime transit when Pluto (the planet of power and destruction) enters Aquarius, changing the way that society views success and systems. This will be a time to be your true and most authentic self to find an aligned career, community, and living environment. On the 23rd, Venus (the planet of beauty and design) enters Capricorn. This transit will bring higher-quality opportunities for love, design, and self-care. It’s less about quantity, and all about quality during this time.

We wrap the month of January up when the Full Moon in bold, expressive Leo arrives on the 25th and encourages us to shed anything (or anyone) that holds us back from feeling like a star. If your home is filled with clutter, or you’ve been feeling weighed down by certain relationships, now will be the time to literally or figuratively “clean house”. Just two days later, outer planet Uranus stations directly in the luxurious and grounded sign of Taurus on January 27th. This will help us take action on anything in our life that has recently felt stagnant, and finally take riskier, bolder, and more self-assured bets on ourselves as the month wraps up!

Want to know more about how to align yourself with the stars this month? Read below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate insights for the month ahead!

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